Ok, ok, I know its officially tomorrow, but since I plan to stay in bed as long as I can and enjoy every moment of being spoiled by my girls I know I won't get a chance to show you what we have planned for the day. This Mother's day my eldest daughter Anya asked if we could do a mini high tea using my lovely china, so here is what we will be enjoying together. We chose the colour palette lavender, lilac, mauve and green. Cupcake stand on the bottom tier of the tea cart is from
Shoppe with Lily.

This is what is calling my name from the fridge, a lovely Rhubarb, ginger and blueberry baked cheesecake. Can't wait to tuck into this!!

We baked some heart shaped sugar cookies covered in embossed fondant.

Mini flower posy which I popped in my mercury glass vase (vase from Bed, Bath & Table)

I LOVE my tea, so what is a high tea without my favourite teapot! I looked through my treasures and pulled out all my favourite pieces for the tea cart.

We also made some yummy lavender and vanilla cupcakes.

Ah yes, a nice hot cuppa of my favourite tea (English breakfast)

The sun started shining so we moved the tea cart outside onto the balcony where I can sip my tea and enjoy my garden.

Stunning bunch of flowers we arranged for the tea cart, a mix of mauve roses, mauve and lilac Lisianthus, white and purple Freesias, big fluffy Chrysanthenums, green carnations and purple Hydrangea. It smells heavenly!

Simple white chocolate and Pistachio mudcake with Pistachio buttercream icing.

Here is one of the lovely gifts I will be receiving tomorrow, a gorgeous Jane Austin book since I love to read.

Lavender macarons were also on the tea cart, although my skill is improving they still look a wee bit......errrrrrr.... rustic lol

Another gorgeous gift for me, vintage minty jar filled with mints and a lavender pin cushion with custom embellished tacking pins because another one of my hobbies is to sew.

Had to have that first cupcake since there is enough to go around for tomorrow lol

The girls made these for me, embossed paper satchel filled with lavender pot-pourie and yarn covered bangles/bracelets. (Clever girls!)

And these cute bottles I bought for myself, so to me from me! Snaffled them up from St Vinnies for $2 ea, except for the jewel encrusted bottle stopper perfume bottle, that one I bought from Bed, Bath & Table.

Last but not least a small bag of bath salts (again Lavender) I intend to enjoy one of these days.
Hope you all have a wonderful Mother's day and are spoiled rotten by your loved ones.