This is what I have been working on the past 2 weeks, its a Christening cake and cupcake set for a friend's little girl being Christened today. The theme was birds and owls with the invite being pink and chocolate brown (a bit hard to see in the scanned pic above).
The 70 cupcakes were 50% chocolate mud with double chocolate buttercream icing and the other 50% white chocolate mud cupcakes covered in pink vanilla buttercream. I then handcut 23 birds and 23 owls (my cutters arrived too late in the post, so had to be handcut) and either gave them a texture (using my texture mats) or handpainted them using edible food colours. I also tried out an edible print sheet on white chocolate for the white birds (experimenting for my next project ;-))
I am extremely happy with how they all turned out, it looked stunning once all assembled and I loved doing this project. Most nerve wracking moment was when I had trouble covering the cake in white choc fondant, I just wasn't fast enough to get the creases out before the paste kept drying, after 5 attempts I managed to get it done. After a strong vodka and a chat to my cake teacher I found out that tall narrow cakes are the most difficult cakes to cover, even for the expert cake decorater (which I am most certainly not!) and that only practice will make me better at it.